Senin, 11 Juli 2016


Sin — disobedience of God’s Law
A.     Defined as:
Transgression     1 John 3:4
Unrighteousness     1 John 5:17
Omission of known duty     James 4:17
Not from faith     Rom 14:23
Thought of foolishness     Prov. 24:9
B.     Sources of, in:
Satan     John 8:44
Man’s heart     Matt. 15:19, 20
Lust     James 1:15
Adam’s transgression     Rom. 5:12, 16
Natural birth     Ps. 51:5
C.     Kinds of:
National     Prov. 14:34
Personal     Josh. 7:20
Secret     Ps. 90:8
Presumptuous     Ps. 19:13
Open     1 Tim. 5:24
Shameless     Is. 3:9
Youthful     Ps. 25:7
Public     2 Sam. 24:10, 17
Unforgiveable     Matt. 12:21, 32; John 8:24
Of ignorance     Lev. 4:2
Willfully     Heb. 10:26
D.     Consequences of, among the unregenerate:
Blindness     John 9:41; 2 Cor. 4:3, 4
Servitude     John 8:34
Irreconcilable     1 Tim. 3:1–7
Death     Rom. 6:23
E.     God’s attitude toward:
Withholds men from     Gen. 20:6
Punishes for     Ex. 32:34
Provides a fountain for     Zech. 13:1
Blots out     Is. 44:22
Casts away     Mic. 7:19
Forgives     Ex. 34:7
Remembers no more     Jer. 31:34
F.     Christ’s relationship to:
Free of     1 John 3:5
Knew no     2 Cor. 5:21
Makes men conscious of     John 15:22, 24
Died for our     1 Cor. 15:3
As an offering for     Is. 53:10; Heb. 9:28
Substitutionary     Is. 53:5, 6; Matt. 26:28
Takes it away     John 1:29
Saves His people from     Matt. 1:21
Has power to forgive     Matt. 9:6
Makes propitiation for     Heb. 2:17
Purges our     Heb. 1:3
Cleanses us from     1 John 1:7, 9
Washes us from     Rev. 1:5
G.     Regenerate must:
Acknowledge     Ps. 32:5
Confess     Ps. 51:3, 4
Be sorry for     Ps. 38:18
Not serve     Rom. 6:6
Not obey     Rom. 6:6, 12
Subdue     Rom. 6:14–22
Lay aside     Heb. 12:1
Resist     Heb. 12:4
Keep from     Ps. 19:13
H.     Helps against:
Use God’s Word     Ps. 119:11
Guard the tongue     Ps. 39:1
Walk in the Spirit     Rom. 8:1–14
Avoid evil companions     1 Tim. 5:22
Confess to the Lord     1 John 1:8, 9
Exercise love     1 Pet. 4:8
Go to the Advocate     1 John 2:1

Thomas Nelson Publishers: Nelson's Quick Reference Topical Bible Index. Nashville, Tenn. : Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995 (Nelson's Quick Reference), S. 576

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